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Is A Cooling Vest Really Necessary For Delivery Guys On The Job?
July 15, 2022

Food delivery riders have to deal with very hot temperatures when delivering food to their customers. They also need to wear a helmet which makes it difficult for them to breathe normally. This causes them to sweat more than normal and thus become dehydrated quickly. A cooling vest can help prevent that from happening by keeping their body temperature low at all times.

The benefits of using a cooling vest include:

Maintaining your body temperature at an optimal level reduces the risk of getting dehydrated or overheated which is essential when working outdoors in high temperatures

Helps promote healthy weight loss as well as energy levels throughout your day without feeling fatigued or drained.

What is Heatstroke?

Heatstroke is a disease caused by high body temperature, usually as a result of prolonged exposure to heat or working or exercising in a hot environment. The most severe forms of Heatstroke may occur if the body temperature rises to 40 °C (104 °F) or more. Heat stroke is most common in the summer months.

Heat stroke occurs when your body can't keep itself cool. This happens when your body's heat production outpaces its ability to release heat through sweat and blood flow. When you exercise, your body produces heat as you burn energy. If you get too hot, your body will try to cool itself down by sweating and increasing blood flow through the skin. This allows more evaporation from the surface of the skin and helps cool the blood flowing close to the surface of the body.

If those cooling mechanisms aren't enough, then your body will send signals for even more blood flow through tissues near large veins where it can release heat into nearby tissues and organs like muscles and lungs that have large surface areas for evaporation.

Heat stroke requires emergency treatment. If left untreated, pyrexia can quickly damage the brain, heart, kidneys and muscles. The longer treatment is delayed, the more severe the damage and the higher the risk of serious complications or death.Heat exhaustion is a less serious condition than heat stroke, but it still requires immediate action.

Signs of heat exhaustion include:

Dry skin (no sweating)

Cool, pale and clammy skin

Heavy sweating that stops and starts suddenly


Nausea or vomiting

Weakness or fatigue

How to avoid Heat stroke in advance?

1-Avoid the heat if you have heart disease or are taking certain medications.

2-Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, juice, or sports drinks.

3-Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks.

4-Stay out of the sun during the hottest part of the day, usually 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothes when outdoors.

5-Limit physical activity in the heat, especially during middle age and beyond; strenuous exercise can elevate your body temperature several degrees above normal, increasing your risk of heat-related illness or death.

6-If you must work outside, take frequent breaks in a cool place, drink plenty of fluids and wear light-weight, loose-fitting clothing that covers as much skin as possible (wearing a hat is also recommended).

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