DeliverKingdom is a leading company in the insulated handbag industry headquartered in Guangzhou, China. Founded in 2013, it focuses on the design and development of takeaway delivery bags, rider helmets, rider jackets, insulated handbags, insulated backpacks and other products. With more than ten years of experience in the luggage industry, DeliverKingdom has BSCI and ISO9001 certifications. Its production plant in Yangchun City, Guangdong Province, China employs more than 400 people and has three production buildings covering an area of more than 12,000 square meters.
DeliverKingdom's products are designed to meet the needs of various customers, from individual consumers to large-scale subscription services. One of the most popular products is the extra-large insulated food delivery bag, which can keep food hot or cold for up to four hours. The bag has a spacious interior, a sturdy zipper, a waterproof exterior, and a comfortable shoulder strap. The bag can also be customized with the customer's logo, color, and size preferences.
Another popular product is the backpack delivery bag, which is ideal for riders who need to carry food on their bikes or motorcycles. The backpack delivery bag has a durable and lightweight structure, a padded back panel, a breathable mesh lining, and adjustable straps. The backpack delivery bag also has a thermal insulation layer, a removable divider, and a transparent pocket for receipts or menus. The backpack delivery bag can also be customized with the customer's logo, color, and size preferences.
DeliverKingdom's products have been used by many satisfied customers around the world, who have shared their positive feedback and testimonials. One of them is ”Pizza Express“, a pizza chain based in the United Kingdom. Pizza Express has been using DeliverKingdom's extra-large insulated food delivery bags and backpack delivery bags for its delivery service since 2022. The company has reported that DeliverKingdom's products have helped them improve their delivery efficiency, customer satisfaction, and food quality.
Pizza Express's manager, John Smith, said: "We are delighted with DeliverKingdom's products. They are well-made, easy to use, and reliable. They keep our pizzas hot and fresh, even in cold or rainy weather. Our customers love the taste and appearance of our pizzas, and they often compliment us on our delivery bags. We have also noticed that our delivery drivers are more comfortable and confident with the backpack delivery bags, as they can carry more food without compromising their safety or mobility. DeliverKingdom's products have been a great investment for our business."
DeliverKingdom is committed to providing high-quality products and services to its customers. It has a strict quality control system that ensures that every product meets the highest standards of performance, durability, and safety. DeliverKingdom also offers a one-year warranty, a 30-day return policy, and 24/7 customer support service. DeliverKingdom is always looking for new ways to improve its products and meet the changing demands of the market.
If you are interested in ordering DeliverKingdom's products, please visit its website at You can also contact DeliverKingdom by phone, email, or social media. DeliverKingdom will be happy to assist you with any questions or requests you may have. DeliverKingdom is your best choice for takeaway delivery bags, rider helmets, rider jackets, insulated handbags, insulated backpacks, and other products. Order now and enjoy the benefits of DeliverKingdom's products!