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  • September 01, 2022
    Grocery Shopping: How To Save Money On Delivery Fees
    According to Mercatus Tech and Brick Meets, As grocery prices remain high, shoppers are increasingly averse to paying the extra fees for delivery services. The report found that only about 25% of customers are willing to pay for grocery delivery services, but that number is expected to rise as more shoppers become accustomed to paying for the service. But it's not just about money. The study also ...
  • September 05, 2022
    Discover how Gorillas are getting smarter and better than ever!
    Gorillas is expanding their selection of private label products. The company has built a reputation for providing high quality organic and natural products. The new line will include snacks, bread spreads and other products that customers can purchase online. Customers will have access to a wider range of options for snacks, bread spreads and other products they can purchase online. These items ar...
  • September 06, 2022
    What Lizzo's Signing Means For Grocery Shopping
    The grocery shopping experience has changed. You may have noticed that the grocery store is looking less like a grocery store and more like a department store. Grocery stores are trying to get you to stay longer so they can sell you more items. Grocery shopping is time consuming. As a grocery, doing anything to get them shopping in-store is near impossible, and one of the main reasons that grocery...
  • September 09, 2022
     Casey’s – 21st Anniversary of the Ultimate Breakfast Pizza
    In honor of its 21st birthday, Casey’s General Stores is offering a new twist on its signature breakfast pizza. The convenience chain has added a Busch Light beer cheese sauce to its Ultimate Breakfast Pizza, which is topped with eggs, ham and hash browns. Casey’s first-ever tailgate food truck will serve Casey’s Ultimate Beer Cheese Breakfast Pizza for fans to sample at two major college football...
  • September 14, 2022
    US Foods Marrero Distribution Center
    It's not everyday that you can go from a small one-bay facility to a 205,000 square-foot beast, but that's exactly what US Foods Holding Corp. (NYSE: USFD) just did. The company opened their new Marrero distribution center to the public back in September. This is an exciting time for the food industry as more innovations are being developed to make life more convenient for everyone. It's wonderful...
  • October 12, 2022
    Just How Much is the Labor Department Proposal Threatening Food Delivery?
    A federal proposal that could reclassify many independent contractors—including third-party grocery delivery drivers—as employees could threaten the business models of companies like Instacart, DoorDash and Uber Eats. The U.S. Department of Labor on Tuesday unveiled a proposal that would be used to determine whether a worker is an independent contractor or an employee under the Fair Labor Standard...
  • October 13, 2022
    Why Pizza Restaurants Need to Try Hybrid Delivery?
    As pizza is a $38 billion dollar industry, with over 39% of the market consisting of third-party delivery services, the stakes are high. With Millennials being the largest demographic, with 25% choosing to order delivery over dining out, it's no surprise that delivery is one of the most lucrative aspects for restaurants. The problem is, there is an equal disparity in delivery quality. It takes mor...
  • November 01, 2022
    Personalized Mobile Ordering: The Future of Preference
    The restaurant industry has long been saturated with competition, and it’s no surprise that so many people are searching for food in their area. Unfortunately, this is where the problem lies. With so many options available, it’s becoming harder to make that decision. In recent years, there has been a shift in consumer behavior — more specifically, how they order their food. The rise of mobile orde...
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A total of 16 pages

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